Also available as part of Data Centre Migration are: IT Audit; Planning; In-flight Governance; Lift and Shift.
Innov8 IT was founded in 2011 by sole Director Andy Hastings after 34 years with British Telecom. Starting as an apprentice he spent his formative years in comms engineering before moving into Enterprise computing and Data Centres in the mid 1990’s. With that experience and a network of contacts gained from roles in Data Centre Design and Operations, Enterprise IT Management and Hosting Design Authority, innov8 IT now provides consultancy to a wide range of Government, Commercial and Learning organisations across the UK, the EU, North America and Africa.
Utilising Data Centre design and build experience when a BT employee, and with a full appreciation of Enterprise IT environments, Innov8 IT has completed a number of contracts for BT including the design and build of a Defence DR site. More recent projects include the transformation and transition of 2 Data Centres for the Student Loans Company, and a site selection survey in Botswana conducted on behalf of Cabling for Africa.
The scope of projects has included (but not been limited to) power, cooling, security and structured cabling high level design; Operations design and culture change; process and procedure development; and implementation of industry Beat Practice.
Over the last 3 years Innov8 IT has also contributed to the development and delivery of the World's only Data Centre Masters Degree, particularly in the areas of Sustainable Design and Infrastructure Management.